A special night under the moon and stars, Swimming with friends, guided by the tow float lights, followed up with some camp fire treats and banter 🙂
Doon dippers – an amalgamation of locals, Swimmer mates, the odd triathlete and adventurers who love to swim in Doon.
The goal of the night swim is the bring people, friends and swimming buddies together and we hope to make it A YEARLY EVENT for fun
The best Part = the GOODIES AFTER
Dan Mulcahy who volunteered his time to make the event a big success between set up and safety Kayak
The hard part = setting up and cleaning up
The beautiful entrance to Doon Lake
The big buoys x 3 were strapped with water proof night lights for extra vision 🙂 along with our 4 safety Kayakers who wore front and back lights to guide, support and count the swimmers in
Some legends & Bobby 🙂
Some of those famous Ice Swimmers, cold water smilers and not so secret lovers of cake
Post swim & Dip and warming up by the fire pits
Nothing is possible without a great support crew of helping hands, inspirers and friends who dig in to support and make it happen
Two of the leading ladies of Doon Dippers Liz & Lilly
Our first year and we had a great night with 38 swimmers from local clubs and locals taking to the lake. We were blessed with a lovely clear night of moonlit swimming, treated to treats and tales post swims of great adventures to come. We look forward to running this again in 2022 and we cant wait to see you all there
Yours in sports ( and on behalf of all the organizers Thank you 🙂 )