AGM 2023 The Agm for the 2023 season was held on Tuesday 19th of December evening via zoom call. We would like to thank the committee for attending – Noel, Liam, Stephan, Jen and new committee member Brock Topics discussed
GoTri Agm update

AGM 2023 The Agm for the 2023 season was held on Tuesday 19th of December evening via zoom call. We would like to thank the committee for attending – Noel, Liam, Stephan, Jen and new committee member Brock Topics discussed
Return to training:
The Carrigaholt Festival swim A bit of banter for a good cause raising monies for the Carrigaholt Tidy Towns committee. A fast 1500m that turned into a great 2000m race 🙂 a huge turnout of swimmers and dippers with the
We are getting into the summer swimming and The Shannon Region openwater swim league link here There is a good group meeting most Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Ballyalla lake in Ennis @ 7AM a good mix of penguins from
Hell 2023 See …. calm waters never made a great sailor !
The Dermot Dunne Memorial TT 2023 A big thank you to all who came out on such a wet night ! but wasnt it amazing it stopped raining for the duration of the TT !! the big man was watching
A huge thank you to all involved Sponsored by Back Baller Link to facebook page here Prime WINNER Bobby MacPhillips
and here we go again …. Almost feels like the first time ? almost. I know we were kind of back last season but we really never got going with all the turmoil and covid hang overs!! So what
Monday nights : Wells Church : 6:45pm first rider off at 7PM Week 1 : M&M Memorial loop 18km A night for the marshals and a tuff first night of the league. A small adjustment from 2
Ennis Duathlon Report : Rory Leads the way for his team mates Rory Sexton again shone brightest for GoTri Racing Team at the Ennis Duathlon and like the old saying ” a rising tide lifts all boats ” captain