The Dermot Dunne Memorial TT 2023 A big thank you to all who came out on such a wet night ! but wasnt it amazing it stopped raining for the duration of the TT !! the big man was watching
Dermot Dunne Memorial TT

The Dermot Dunne Memorial TT 2023 A big thank you to all who came out on such a wet night ! but wasnt it amazing it stopped raining for the duration of the TT !! the big man was watching
It has been two weeks now since we ended our fun run series with a 10km. The original idea was – the road to breaking 40min barrier. A beautiful quest for all and a great stepping stone to for
Happy Holidays from all the committee at GoTri We will en devour to put together a good year of excitement for you all and your triathlon training. We wish you and yours the very best in 2020 And
Becks is back : The Bullet is back ….. you can read the headlines, we may need to rename her speedy mammy ! Becks took on one of her local 5kms to find out where she was at after a
Dear Athlete Coach Stephan Teeling Lynch is taking on – online athletes – with further options for 1-2-1 sessions within programs or at group sessions Email : stephanteelinglynch at for options as Stephan says ” Train Smart
Looking to join a group training session built and guided for triathletes of all levels ? The Join STL SPORTS COACHING Monday nights @ GoTri in Shannon from 7 to 9pm or Join in on Wednesday nights from 7
Dear athlete We are now 3 weeks back into our swim season ( Oct to June 2019) and I have to say that I am excited and a little bit nervous as to what lies ahead for the year
Week 2 Monday night tri training sessions Train like we race, race like we train ! It’s an old motto and one that has to be taken with a pinch of salt ( don’t bail me on the diet issues
The weekly round up Is the summer ever going to arrive? Who knew Stephan could serve coffee, answer questions on the human anatomy, tell a story about the 1000 jobs he has had, the events he has been at
The Nrg Salthill Sprint Tri race report by STL We come from a dark place …… born into the bright lights, kicking, screaming, crying and if we aren’t, well we get a smack, and we wail the location down until