The Carrigaholt Festival swim A bit of banter for a good cause raising monies for the Carrigaholt Tidy Towns committee. A fast 1500m that turned into a great 2000m race 🙂 a huge turnout of swimmers and dippers with the
Carrigaholt Swim

The Carrigaholt Festival swim A bit of banter for a good cause raising monies for the Carrigaholt Tidy Towns committee. A fast 1500m that turned into a great 2000m race 🙂 a huge turnout of swimmers and dippers with the
The Wednesday Swim Troop ………
Dear athlete We are now 3 weeks back into our swim season ( Oct to June 2019) and I have to say that I am excited and a little bit nervous as to what lies ahead for the year
We are almost there !! Week 5 of The Monday Night training sessions in Killaloe 7-9pm open to all levels from all clubs with coach STL leading the way with support from other members
What happened the weather ? we have been spoiled for glorious training weather over the last 3 weeks and tonight our luck ran out, but only a little bit. Numbers were down due to racing over the weekend and the
You know it was Bruce Lee that said ” its the daily decrease, not the daily increase that the most important” …….. With committing to racing we need to focus on the important stuff and not cloud the journey
Race Report – Glin Sprint Triathlon (From the back of the pack!) Glin Sprint Tri – just another local triathlon? Not for me….it was the first of many things….first time doing Glin tri, first full sprint distance triathlon, first dry
2.5km river swim ala skins …. Maeve the brave I used to call her. Me being a Mako wetsuit loving, water hugging baby in the eyes on the die hard open water swimmers. Slowly but surely I’m being dragged into
1. The absolute fear while driving to said location. • weather check • water temp • hats • Vaseline • 2 cups of coffee ( one in thermo flask for after ) 2. Getting ready • normally as a wetsuit
Coaching Topic – Openwater Swimming Openwater swimming, what do I do when I get into Openwater season? Like the great Paul O Connell it can put the fear of God into you. Even the greatest of swimmers in pool history