Hell 2023 See …. calm waters never made a great sailor !
Kilkee “hell of the West” 2023

Hell 2023 See …. calm waters never made a great sailor !
One of my favorite swim sessions be that with the GoTri.ie training group or Shannon Masters swim teams or working with time constrained athletes online ( STLSportscoaching ) or even if I manage to get in the pool myself is
The weekly round up Is the summer ever going to arrive? Who knew Stephan could serve coffee, answer questions on the human anatomy, tell a story about the 1000 jobs he has had, the events he has been at
Gaelforce West *Race* Report by Aoife Fennell I’d like to say from the outset that this race report will show a side of me that I like to think is not reflective of my usual cheerful personality, however, in the
Gaelforce West 2017 by Kiara Webb I don’t know when the idea of getting GoTri to do Gaelforce West as our team race this year was decided but as the weeks went on and more and more decided to sign
Gaelforce 2017 by Niall O’Grady Now I’ll not say I had no training done. As with many at the club who are training across multiple disciplines, I’m doing some session or other 5 or 6 days a week. I will
Gaelforce West 2017 – 2 Years in the making! by Philip Purcell So here I am …..on the start line with a great bunch of people ..no not just people…friends from the GoTri family that I have come to
Lough Derg Sprint Race Report So I decided to enter this race a week before it was on, with a bit of gentle encouragement from Mariead and a belly full of nerves for my lack of race prep for
Barcelona 70.3 – Race Report by Diarmuid Griffin Fail to prepare, prepare to fail – Roy Keane. This is a race I entered while drinking on holiday in Lanzarote last year after seeing the guys walking around with the finishers
Ennis Duathlon 2017 In fantastic weather that rivalled the Spanish costa bravo or the italian Rivera the Ennis Tri club duathlon took place in its new setting in Barefield just outside Ennis. Mother’s Day is a special day in Irish