An interview with top athlete Ayrton Emanuel

*A great start to the week for the young Don being name Connaught all star athlete of the week. Con is in England this weekend racing as part of the Irish Triathlon Junior Elite Squad.

 Constantine what advice would you give to athletes before a race

Ans; stay relaxed and be thirsty for blood

Q-What’s your favourite swim set ?
Ans: 20×100 off 1:45 hitting best possible time or best average

Q-Bike ? The bigger the hill the bigger the smile

Q-Run session
 A-just run as long I’m running I’m happy it does t matter what the session is !!!

Q-What’s your favourite pre race food??
A-Spagetti bolonase hits the spot every time

Q-What your favourite piece of triathlon kit??
A-I love my running shoes, there simple, there’s not a load of sh**!! I don’t need to worry about anything I just put on my shoes and run!!!

QWhat the biggest change you have seen in your training this year?

A- Longer hours, more aerobic training and less intensity !!!!!!!

Q-What’s your biggest triathlon fear ???
A-Jellyfish ……
I’d prefer to be in a cage with tigers rather than jelly fish !!!

Q-What athletes do you look up to ???
A-Bekele, aryton senna and Steve prefontaine and contador before his ban And that Irish fella Brian Keane

Q-How does your family support with a your racing ?
A-In everyday possible, I wouldn’t be able to do it with out them.

Q-What is your favourite sport quote
A-Prefontaine : the best race pace is suicide pace! And today looks like a good day to die

Q-what do you say to youger athletes coming into the sport ???
A-Always GoTri 😉 why not give it go you never know what could happen.


Interview printed with parental permission.

GoTri would like to wish Con and all the Tri Squad the best of luck in the UK. Race hard and believe

Raul Ortega

The Young Don

2 thoughts on “The Young Don

  • June 16, 2012 at 10:46 pm

    Contador’s still an idol, not just before his ban. 🙂

    • August 7, 2012 at 6:38 pm

      top athlete hopefully he will go well on his return and stay off the meet, a triumph for vegans everywhere


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