I look back, so that I can look forward, I look back, so that I can learn, I look back so that one day I can see how far I have come………

I’m in the office now; the office is a secret location at Fitzgerald Flowers Hidden amongst the Compressport Compression gear, Powerbar Nutrition, Rocket science wetsuits and Foam Rollers. I feel tiny amongst the giant flower displays outside and scared of the Halloween masks, deep down i know I can pick up a giant foam roller and pretend to be Luke sky walker and take out the demons with my demonic screams of gushing lightsaber sounds.

A look back of the last few weeks of racing, coaching and life

The 20TH and the 21ST of august

Last weekend saw the Gotri team take to some of our home training waters in Castleconnel for the Worlds end Triathlon. A beautiful course with a twist of two transitions, Hounds and the Kittens where looking forward to racing in front of the home crowd and friendly faces.

The swim was fast, even faster in my new wetsuit from rocket science sports, I came out of the water only 30 seconds back From Gotri Junior Connor Rooney and Local Fast man Mike Yelverton.

The music was pumping and the big crowd was screaming, however I took time to hang my suit carefully as she was so good to meJ, out on to the bike that was so kindly tinkered with by team mechanic and all talk management earlier in the morning.( not to names Mr. Gallagher)

I chased hard until I caught young hound Connor on the bike, I couldn’t shake him. With a smile on the coaches’ face he was right there as we entered t2. I must criticise myself as i didn’t have the best of the dismounts as i hadn’t taken time in the pre-prep normal practise and gone to view the dismount line and I overshot it and came to an embarrassing stop with one foot still in my tri shoe and another barely out.

The run started woefully for me, with a big stomach cramp I couldn’t hold more than limping pace, but as km 3 came or as in the case of Castleconnel 2 to go, I was starting to find my feet. I could also hear the marauding steps of the White African Mr. Turner an old hound chasing me down. The Head dropped a little when he caught and passed me before the 1km to go sign and even though the cheering crowd would normally give me that little bit to suffer and hang on, in Castleconnel, I just didn’t have it. I had to be happy for 4th place 

The day was a huge success though; Connor Rooney of Ennis tri and A Gotri hound took the glorious steps to his first podium of the season. Mr.T took third place with a great run split.


The Women’s race went even better with Andree Walkin (Jones)  taking the top spot and defending her title from 2 years previous, along with Ailbhe Carroll taking 3rd place.

There were some great performances from all the gang-Liam,Dave,Gally,Ailbhe,Connor,John,Dan,mike,Alison,Anto,colm to name a few….. as we say you can be a member of club but you have to be part of a team to make it a success 🙂


Last weekend also saw the 3 amigos head to West Limerick a small little village of ballyruan was holding a 6km trail run. This season, one of re-juvenation a comeback of sorts is all about being able to do things. I’m on a personal ambition to complete the Dublin marathon. The weekend was calling for a long run. I managed to convince Ailbhe and colm to come along with me for some more bodily cruelty. The plan was simple. 6km trail warm up, 6km race, 6km cool down.

I don’t have ambitions when it comes to running at the min; I’m just smiling because I can run. It has to be said though that 4th place sucks……. I’d rather be 5th

The course was tuff, 1.5km up 500m flatish,500m climb, 500m descent 500m climb, 500m flattish 1.5km fast descent. I have to start these things a little slower these days. My old motto of” go till you blow” doesn’t currently work when it comes to running.

I really enjoyed the race. The plan worked and I got the running in, I was tired from the previous days exploits, but running in good company works. (Well almost as long as you don’t start colm off on a political rant of some or any sort……..)


The 13th of august and the 14th august


Tri kingdom come…… the Gotri travel experience

The team cars headed off to what would be a great hard days racing. Davy Richardson stole the show with a great swim that set him up comfortably for the win. Ailbhe Carroll took home another piece of silver wear that sees her hard training begin to pay off.

I managed a lucky second; I was dying every step of the run course. The bike went well in the windy conditions but my lack of bike training in my 5hr a week training schedule is starting to show.

The cost of cycling a good split is taking it out of the running at the moment but cue long term plan of marathoning in November and time crunching exercise plan.

I ran the whole 5km looking back over my shoulder as I knew Ross Higgins was chasing me down. I was delighted to hold on for second and even more delighted that limerick triathlon club placed 1, 2, and 3 on the male podium.

I’m not sure which was better at the finish line. The physics geniuses smile at first place or the chocolate muffins.

The team once again had great races, some big performances from all the lads and ladies.

A look back in the diary tells me i went to the gym for 30mins, had a 500m swim and then a sauna for the Sunday. The enthusiasm rating was low, I didn’t have any legs to do the long run. the foam roller made me cry …….

A sneaky pic of a beauty from Fitz flowers in Eastway Business Park Limerick


Saturday the 6th of august and Sunday the 7th of august

The Brian Boru challenge

The home race, triathlon Ireland’s junior series race and the location of the Gotri Training centre.

The race is almost an adventure tri and is definitely the hardest sprint distance course in the country.

Through my coaching job with triathlon Ireland I know the talent is there within not just our junior program but amongst the top so called age groupers in the country. Boru warriors as they were aptly named proved very fast on the day.

The race brought out my best, not in finishing position but in feeling terms.

I swam very well. Ok I know what you’re saying, steev you come from a swim back ground but as you know I’m the coach these days so I only swim once a week and then the rest is from the deck or upon a paddle board. I’m delighted with being able to come out alongside the Shane scully’s of this green isle and ahead of some of junior hounds.

The bike was hard, I ended up getting very cold due to some freak weather, but I gained a few places, and got too see some good riding from the kids who I didn’t catch until almost 15km. A relaxing transition saw me exit behind Aaron o Brien as he took off up the hill.

My ankles and feet where freezing cold so I had to take fast baby steps on the long 4km climb on gravel trails up bally kurgan park Martin Grealish caught me at the water station along with Connor Rooney and Gavin Doran of the Junior squad. Happy for a bit of company during the painful climb a little moan from gav about the steepness of the hill and Connor took off in pursuit of Martin.

Towards the top of the hill I caught Connor again, letting go on the downhill I was able to sprint into the finish line for a top ten placing and take an age group prize. I was delighted with the result in such a quality field.

The team more importantly did a great job and all had great races. Boru is a tuff one and can’t be measured against any other tri of the same sort of distance.

Con took home the junior prize on the day and secured the overall junior title which was great as he wasn’t feeling too good, James took second in his home club race, Dave and the pack all placed in their age groups and Miss walkin once again put herself on the podium much to the delight of her water marshal chief the adventure Guru Mike

Sunday the 7th

Sunday was a recovery ride on the mtb in ballyhoura mountain bike park, it was slow, it was long and it was absolutely brilliant………………. according to the training diary. i made a note to bring the dogs next time.


Saturday the 30th and Sunday the 31th of July

July please I’m on my knees the smell of your freshly cut grass …

Sorry I have to sing that in July and seeing as I’m writing about it, you can listen to the imaginative sounds of an imaginative voice

A great trip home, I say home as I’ve spent a lot of time there over the years and it is a freeing sort of place, I took some time out to meander around the coast and cycle some of the old grounds that I used to haunt on my old bike. I got to meet up again some old friends and training buddies. I got to taste 1st place again for the first time in a long time and I got to look back and see how far I have come in a few short years

Mullaghmore is my favourite race on the Irish calendar as it is home from home when I’m in Sligo, but Rosses point is a great race location with a great swim bike and run course.

i had another good swim, coming out in 3rd place, i had a crap transition, the bike i never got going to be honest but it was consistent. Thanks to ailbhe for the borrowed wheels! The run was good. i like a flat start in tri race, a hill straight off the bike kills me. In Rosses point there is a slight one but it gets flat then and you can chug along.

The one thing about rosses point was the lack of planning by the coach. ill be honest. i forgot to bring my flask to make coffee…. I wasn’t happy


Sunday the 31st I spent sitting in Mullaghmore drinking a coffee listening to the sounds of ocean while my ice-cream dripped over my pants. I took in an easy run around the horse shoe which always reminds me of Aladdin’s cave for some reason……… the long drive home was too long but the GOTri.ie van made the trip easy peasy.

A great display from limerick tri woman Lynne algar on her bday with a podium finish

July 23rd and July 24th

The Lough Derg Monster adventure race

What’s that coming over the hill……. is it a monster…….. Nope probably an irate wife of some shape form or description. The fail to prepare, prepare to fail motto should be mentioned on this one. I was a bit of a numpty and cycled the whole thing with rubbing brakes and didn’t heed the calls from the GURU about changing tyres but i know for next seasons race. Paul Mahon gave a master class in preparation and defended his crown. i was delighted to take 3rd. it was a great day out, tuff as hell but I really enjoyed it.

The crack was great; the atmosphere at the finish was electric

July 24th

a day for the long run, I slept in I didn’t wake until 12pm, I can remember this quite clearly as Darci drewling-star managed to make her way up the stairs for the first time and pounced on me.  I took in a long run from Shannon to Bunratty and back to the airport and home in 90mins

Let’s recap


  • The Lough Derg Monster adventure race= 3rd place
  • Rosses point triathlon = 1st place overall
  • The Brian Boru challenge= 10th overall 1st place 25-29
  • Tri kingdom come= 2nd place overall
  • The Ballyruan 6km trail run = 4th place
  • The World send triathlon= 4th place



Next stop on the carnival is a trip to watch the Gotri athletes and the Irish squad in Dublin tomorrow and then a trip to England with the Irish team on September the 4th and then TRI 3 Kilrush

I have some great pics taken from the last few races, my brain just has to learn to upload them to the laptop and then log them up here, check back soon


5weeks 6 races and some big thank you’s

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