Go Tri Triathlon Coaching aquathon training league starts wednesday the 30th of may at the ulac. first night will see a 500m swim and 1.5 km run
beginners will be given a head start over the intermediates and the advanced group. first 15 accross the line will go again 🙂

The aquathon training sessions will happen for 3 wednesdays in a row leading up to kilkee hell of the west, each week the swim and run sections will get a small bit longer. helping both the beginner get used to the longer distance and open water swim scenario.

As these are training races, all the coaches will be on hand to give advice on warming up prior to an event, advice on race day nutrition, race hydration, mental prepartion and the little things to help you on race day.

cost for the 3 nights training = 25e

Training for open water starts and wetsuit transitions can save you a lot of time, so why not come along and have some fun with the GoTri gang

The fella on the far right as you look at this pic,was a little scared to be photographed? 🙂 can anyone say why?

train smart train happy


Aquathon training league

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