- racers at the ready
A cold and blustery day greeted all the athletes taking part in the Ennis Tri Duathlon. Spring is here but the winter weather has all athletes wondering when the sunshine is coming. The weather however did not deter the 125 athlete s who took part and the great showing by Ennis Tri marshals and event organizers was great to see.
The team out on the day were all smiles and a few nervous looks from Mags and Olivia. Darragh didn’t shave for fear he could lose strength for the bike while Mark, Trevor and Liam were all wondering who looked better in tights…….
Run 1 3.4km

The run course started with a bang along the soft grassy surface. Leading GoTri female Junior Maebdh Hurst was out front challenging the senor males for the start. Colm Turner has returned to form and the white African took off after 800m daring all the field to chase him down, Rory sexton David Richardson and GoTri Amigo Paddy Nameless gave chase with Mark Jeffers, Ger bowen, Martin Grealish and STl floundering over the opening yards searching with mouths wide open and calling for oxygen to push the limits of human endurance.
The 100 strong marshals were everywhere in their Florissant jackets and the red tape was calling to all the hounds over the 3.4km opening run course. What most would call a stumpy course where a straight path is never flat and always twisting.
In the pack Paul Horan, Anthony Boyle, Trevor askin, Liam Kennedy and Thomas o Brien where biding there time waiting for their stronger bike legs to pounce. Leading Pink Kitten Andre mixing it with the boys today and shouting out the encouragement to her team mates.
Dermot Ryall who took it easy in the Pakie Ryan Memorial bike ride – was pushing on to new limits on the first run.
Olivia and Mags are starting to find there duathlon legs – like pure pro’s using the run bike run format solely for tri training 🙂

Out and onto the windy cold bike course where once again marshals where screaming encouragement

The battle up front was between David Richardson, Paddy Quinn and Rory Sexton who where watching each closely, the GoTri duo and the Ennis tri man all chasing down Colm Turner who was at this stage about 1min clear. Chasing hard behind was Martin the Tiger and an gentleman from Muckno Tri Killian Heery. These two individuals took the race by the kneck and tore through the other leading trio before mounting the chase for the ghost like figure Turner up ahead.
Ger Bowen Paul Horan and Mark jeffers where pedaling with screaming legs of fury behind chasing hard and doing battle with West Clare Tri athlete David Brew and trying best to stay clear of a fast approaching Shane Geary and STL who was struggling on his old ride the Bianchi
About 1min back,not too far back in these conditions was the chasing bunch which included Trev, liam and Andree and just behind them a frantically pedaling Junior with looks of determination of gaining some hard fought yards and their friends and foes out on the rolling bike course.
Darragh was wishing he shaved at this stage, Hair – o dynamic being very important although he was stilling smiling on his beautifully cleaned TT bike. Liam Dillion was chasing hard, this man is one to watch!!
During all this time secret triathlete David Kelly snook up on STL and entered t2 … it was coming down to wire between club mates 🙂
Run 2
It was dark in the woods i didn’t see too much as i was too far behind the front 🙁
The battle for the win was gone… the main race was happening for second place.
Team mates and athletic rivals david richardson and Mairtin Grealish where tearing shreds out of each out on the winding course excellerating into and out each bend in hope of putting one another under pressure. Over this short distance 3.1km they were not going to catch their team mate and Ltc duathlon winner Colm. According to fans on the side lines it came down to a sprint with the tiger Grealish unleashing his claws and digging in for the victory. Another sprint finish lost for Richardson but Joy for his team as they claim 1-2-3 for the New club in clare/limerick GoTri racing.
A little back was the battle for 4-5-6 Rory, Paddy and Killian were all chasing hard. the Muckno tri man had a little lead coming into t2 and held on while Rory got the better of Paddy Quinn. Good signs for these guys as the main season is fast approaching.
Ger bowen, Mark Jeffers and Paul Horan all had cracking races (well mark needs to work on his transition skills again but otherwise) all to round out the top ten places.
Leading female Andree had things all her own way taking 2 from 2 in the clare Duathlon series. The lady of Killaloe even managed a top 20 overall finish.
The trevor askin and Liam kennedy friendship rivalry continues with Trev just edging liam in a clubmate sprint for the line
Anthony Boyle, Thomas brien, Lisa, Maebdh olivia, Mags and secret member ray all had great races today.
your truly do only get out what you put in.
fantastic day out by all the team and you are making the results. GOOO TEAM
Pictures courtesy of Sean Power Tri Irl media