The GoTri Team report 


Nationals – Ashford Duathlon hosted by 3rock triathlon club

Team athletes: David Richardson, Mairtin Grealish, Colm Tuner, STL, Mark Jeffers and Anna Crooks

Results: 2 x silvers , 2 x top 15, 2 x top 50

Anna Crooks and Colm Turner led the way with ever increasing fitness levels to fly the flag high for GoTri racing. Colm and Anna both having solid first runs and strong bikes to leave them in the medals going on to the runs. Both athletes fustrated by missing Gold but the silver will motivated them over the coming weeks as we head into Tri season.

David Richardson Mairtin and Mark all had impressive races and gave there all for the team.whats this space as Mark had not one but 2 pbs on the running side of the race and was still complaining 🙂






” impressive and positive is all I can say. its very hard to come to nationals with it being the only standard distance duathlon so early in the season. The squad gave their all and I’m proud of the way we approached this as a team rather than a group of individuals and that means a lot to me, the course was good the bike was harder than it looked on-line and the standard was amazing. In the women’s field you had all the top contenders from the nationals series last year minus Andree and the mens field was jam packed with talented athletes. A very honest course and it sets the guys and gal up for a good season. I can only be happy. no if’s buts or maybe’s we got what we deserved.”

link to host club website for results here

link to triathlon Ireland page for commentary and results here 

As a team and a club we can achieve what no man or person can individually, together we can move mountains together we will be VICTORIOUS 


GoTri National Duathlon Championships report

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