Dear coach:
It has been a while since my last confession

I wanted to call after Kilkee but I needed to analyse the race minus emotion- plus as you know pen and paper is a little easier.
Jen got a bit sick has been in the hospital the last few days. Jen is doing good now though. Tuff few days in the hospital but physical rest with mental stresses…. = life
Kilrush 3rd mullagmhor 8th Kilkee 13th and next stop Athlone…..
In short mullagmhor I had great legs just no head after malfunctions but it gave me confidence.
In plain simple no excuses no hiding and pure honesty I blew up on-the bike. I plain and simply don’t have the training done to run off it and need to race to different tactics in Athlone. ( u do remember standing in front of a class talking on patience and trusting your training for the Kilkee course ? )
I had a great swim in Kilkee 5 out of the water – the ruff swim suited me but I lost david richardson and Bjorne when I should have been there with them.
Onto the bike and by 30k I was in the red. Good bye trevor woods & co
I rode the clare cycling champs on the Wednesday night and had brilliant cycling legs – riding with a1/a2 group over 60k of racing on hilly roads to be beaten in a sprint for 3rd I had great confidence in my bike leg ahead of Kilkee ….. A coffee stop was needed !
Simple answer is my run fitness is being used for the bike leg !!
The run- pure and utter mind over head – all I could focus on was fast arms and fast feet 42mins of a death march !! If I had ran a 38 even I would have been top 8 ….. Ifs and buts are never in the words of the victorious !!
With everything that’s going on, I have to be content with the result.
Im Not Happy but —- I’m…….
Very happy with my running at the
Min , no doubt about it , its your patience with me! Coaching the coach 😉
I’m looking forward to Athlone but I’m looking forward to getting back into a big block of training again after this weekend. I’m still sticking to the original goal sub X 10k and having a building consistent season with no injury set backs.
Athlone : result 10th and not content 😉
It has to be said, not racing against folks in your own age cat or against the normal heads was very disappointing. Then to see the “trains” was mind boggling…… Maybe drafting races in Irl would work. Yee all know how to do it !!!!
Athlone as a race is the key to Ireland’s international successes along with the path of Gavin Noble we owe the race a lot of support.
The new course lay out was really good. The transition although extremely long was actually very good in terms of crowd support etc
The swim was good and fair to all and nice to be able to swim the same course as the elites.
The bike course was good and the run through the city – although short – was great.
I had a good swim. I’m
Not doing much swimming 1 or 2 swims a week, nothing fantastic but I’ve been lucky to have some of the coaching group join in and the shannon masters Sc athletes have been keeping me on my toes.
Aaron Harris led out my wave. I didn’t even contemplate trying to go with him, in hindsight I should have. But as a coach, training builds confidence and condition. I was happy to do it solo ….
Into transition to the sounds of the voices and screams of the O neil clan. All the Gotri athletes were off in waves behind me. great to see them all cheering …. ( running down the army barracks thinking ” how cool would it be to see Rory beat Gav ? Sorry Gav)
Out on to the bike and chasing into the wind. It’s an out and back course with a few drags and a few speed bumps. I went hard on the bike I was trying to close on my hare for the day. Base 2 race athlete Harris was on a flyer…. He didn’t even say Hi
Into t2 and again the long run on my poor tippy toes.
The run —
Frank Sharky was in town today and I had set this as a target. The course was crowded but I liked the loops and the little dig hills where good too. I could only hear 2 voices from the crowds each time I met them Derek flanagans and Steve Delaney always encouraging ….. The packed streets make you want to run fast !!!
Overall I’m content with the block. The athletes aka Hounds and kittens are all going well and they are doing themselves proud, it’s been a good block of racing and getting to meet new members of Gotri Steve and a few more has been great. Fingers crossed we can help add more knowledge to the group and performances to reward
Train smart Train Happy